Friday, May 16, 2008

Valley Forge- Creative Essay.

February 7, 1778
Dear Mother and Father,
How is everyone at home? Is Maryland cold right now? I miss you all.
Have you heard from Thomas yet? He is not in my troop. Well, war is not what I expected at all. When I first enlisted, I thought I was doing something good. It is very bad. I thought it wouldn't be this bad when I first enlisted. We are all so cold, and 12 of us men have to share a small little hut. I bet it is only 16ft by 14ft long. The roof is only made with wood boards and the walls are 6 and a half feet tall, so some are hitting their heads. The hut overall is drafty and damp most of the time. We are all tired, cold, and hungry. All we have been given to eat was "fire cakes" which is flour and water. The conditions are completely miserable. It is freezing. We are barely clothed for heavens sakes. Everyone just wants to give up. As for me, I will stick it out, and then never enlist again.

Quartermaster General Thomas Mifflin hated his job, we could all tell. He ignored it, he was in charge of the military transportation. He didn't do his job so we couldn't get our supplies. Well, his job was finally taken over by General Nathanael Green, so now the supples are moving in on decent quanity, so it has been getting better. The hygiene is horrible though. Soldiers have just been going to the bathroom where they want. Soldiers have been getting sick because of it. Washington has now made it so the get five lashes if they go where they are not supposed to. I think that Washington has done a great job with this army. Some don't think so. I do though, he has trained us well. He was worried about small pox for a while. He has also decided that we will cut windows in our huts in early spring. This new man has just arrived, his name Baron von Stueben. Silas Deane supplied him with his letter of recommendation, and Baron von Stueben is enlisted without pay. Washington instructed him to provide reports on defenses, troop morale, and military readiness. He now is Inspector General, and is training. He is very dedicated, we can all tell. He makes our officers perform drills with us every now and then.

Some have tried to replace Washington with Gen. Horatio Gates. But it didn't work and Washington emerged stronger than eve, in my opinion. I don't know what are next adventure will be, and to where but I hope to hear from you soon.
So, I have to go now. I love you. Hopefully you'll hear from Thomas soon. I miss you all. Give all my love to the little ones. I love you.
Love, Billy