Thursday, June 12, 2008

Final Exam Essay #2

George Washington is frequently called the Father of America. Analyze his growth as a leader first in the French and Indian War and then in the American Revolution. Consider both his mistakes and his accomplishments, and analyze the role he played in the founding of America.

When George Washington was involved in the French and Indian war he really had no experiance at all. He didn't have any idea what to do so he played the part as well as he could. When the Revolutionary war came along he had some experiance but still was not a great leader. He tried to do as well as he could.

He made many mistakes but he also had some accomplishments. He did what he could for the army and he tried very hard. Washington made some very drastic changes to the army. He did what he could. He even helped find America. Wahington made a big difference in the war and being a genral.
So overall he did what he could to help he made mistakes but he also fixedthem.

Final Exam Essay Question #2

It was 176 years from the founding of the first English colony to the signing of the Treaty of Paris. In the time we studied the Powhatan Uprising, the Pequot War, King Phillip's War, the French and Indian War, Pontiac's Rebellion, and finally The American Revolution. Write an essay either explaining why war is a necessary price for progress or explaining why war is an unnecessary example of human fault, greed, bigotry, nationalism, and etc. Either essay should conclude with and analysis of the current war in Iraq.

War is an unnecessary example of human fault and greed, bigotry, and nationalism. War is definitely a unnecessary example of greed and human falut. War is over things such as taxing, who is on the land first, hunger for land, taxing and a bunch of other acts. Some over money and others were over land, so it proves the point that war is over human fault and greed.

The Revolutionary War is one of the wars that proves my point on human fault and greed. The British made a bunch of taxes and unneeded acts. They were all unnecessary. They put taxes on things that shouldn't have been taxed like tea. All the different acts so that they could have more money overall. All the wars have been unnecessary so far, I have not seen one that had a overall purpose.

This relates to the war in Iraq because we are spending so much money in Iraq for a war that isn't needed. We are fighting a war for what. So many innocent have been killed and all for human fault and greed. America wants more money, and Iraq is just a waste of our time. We should just end it but, that won't happen any time soon, seeing as both countries are stubborn.